Friday, December 27, 2019

The Florida Department Of Environmental Protection

cruising through those small towns with souvenirs shops to each side, seafood restaurants mixed in and public access trails to the beaches spotted along the route you will notice that the buildings directly on the beach are on stilts. This is not just an architectural design and the fashion, but because of the fact that the developers know that the land is being swallowed by the sea. More and more houses, hotels, shops and restaurants have decks and some piers that lead into and over the water. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection even has courses for those in construction to acknowledge the erosion and increase the proper design, construction and maintenance of erosion and sediment control. The beaches, whether sandy or rocky are the buffers that keep the sea at bay from the land behind enemy lines. They are nature’s way of saving all the people and their livelihoods from being swept away into the deep blue yonder. When waves crash into the beach it carries sedi ment with it and deposits such sediment. The alternative is that when a wave recedes back into the ocean it carries that sediment back to sea. This is usually done at an unequal rate, and leads to coastal erosion. In fact, coastal erosion is one of the reasons we have so many beautiful beaches around the world due to their unique shape. Long shore currents move water in a parallel direction of the shoreline, carrying the sand with it. But as we continue to build piers, docks, sea walls, and jettiesShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Quality Report : Pensacola Bay1333 Words   |  6 PagesSteven Robison GEO 2330 Environmental Quality Report Pensacola Bay When it comes to Pensacola Bay there are many environmental factors to consider when wanting to know how well the area is doing in relation to quality of the land, air and water. In this report, the examination will be upon the water quality of Pensacola Bay. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Life And Death Running Through My Mind - 1517 Words

but for a brief moment, I began to reason with both a spiritual and human mindset at the same time. Because of this, I started to be concerned about my human body back in the car. In my human thoughts, I perceived that my spirit form may have been vacant from my human body for years. Maybe this was true or maybe it was just a logical, rational approach to finding a timely answer. I began to wonder if I had been away long enough that my human body had died. Was there a funeral? Did anyone mourn me? I had so many thoughts about life and death running through my mind. I felt very confused as to my true existence. I felt in limbo, as I didn’t know how to proceed, or where I was destined to go. In my new state of confusion, my mind†¦show more content†¦I had arrived through God’s holy hand to the moment He intended, I was given a choice to either move on to heaven or to go back to Earth and resume my human life. This was a unique experience because I had come to my judgment before physical death. As I was formerly a healthy, living person, I was given the opportunity to come back to Earth to resume my life and share my experience. This was not the usual protocol, but God gave me the choice to serve Him in this capacity or to move on as others do, to remain a resident of heaven. Now I understood why God allowed me to become aware of my human body, so that I could have the option to be what I was or to move forward to a new existence. As a heavenly being, I no longer needed the Holy Spirit’s guidance to aid in my decision. I was now a citizen of heaven and I ha d a Godly mind, free from anything to contaminate pure thoughts. In Heaven, there are no sinful intrusions in a point of view, no coercing of wrong alternatives to overcome. Only right and pure thoughts exist in a heavenly mind. Making a decision is one good or another. It felt so natural and beautiful to move on to heaven. It wasn’t logical, it was just and simple. It wasn’t rational, it was as if I was coming home, it was love in action, love in verb form. My new and perfect mind worked so fast within my spiritual thoughts that I answered my own heart’s

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Survey of Information Security System †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Survey of Information Security System. Answer: Introduction: In this article Rahman and Choo (2015) discusses about the ways of handling incidence arising from lack of security for the availability of the assets in the organization. The writer of the article are from information security department of University f South Australia and University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The survey was done by analyzing the literature of existing reports about the incidence handling with the help of cloud computing. They further proposed the writers conducted a cloud incident handling model and an open research. Cloud computing management is one of the most recent technologies used to secure the information within the organization. Thus, it is reliable to depend on the research conducted and it is also relevant as it is one of the most demanding topics. The main limitation of the research was that it did not considered any experimentation about the real world usage of cloud computing. Jing et. al. (2014) has evaluated in their article about the increasing use of Internet in all the activities of the world from household task to professional task. The writers of the article are professors in different university of China and Kuwait. The paper used literature to analyze the problem of security arising from the internet usage and offered a descriptive framework about the security issues. Internet is highly used by everybody in todays world and it is essential for any organization to analyze the threat arising from the usage of this technology. Thus, carrying out a research in this field is advantageous and demanding in the fast expanding environment. The main limitation put forward in this article is that it failed to carry out a primary survey to analyze the thinking about the security of Internet of Things (IoT). Dumais et al (2016) in his article has discussed about the importance of information technology system used in the organizations and the privacy it gives to the data stored through this system. The writers of the article are professors of various Universities. The emergence of the technology of data collection has been discussed in this book with a focus on the agencies management and methods that offer such protection. It has discussed about the use of E-commerce and Electronic money in the business environment that has facilitated their mode of work. E-commerce is growing its coverage at a faster rate and thus it requires a good information security system.The major limitation seen in this book that it did not focus on the usage of internet method in various household activities. Only the usage of internet in the commercial world is discussed both national and international. Li et. al. (2015) has also discussed about Internet of Things (IoT) as it is has been considered as a internet that will be used in future and includes a lot of communication things. The writers of the article are faculty of engineering and information technology in different Universities. The survey was conducted by focusing on the various emerging techniques in which IoT can be implemented. The IoT technology will be very helpful in future as it offers a lot of potential in the future. Thus, carrying out research in this segment s beneficial and the paper is reliable for further research. Te major limitation of the research is that it has just presented literature review about the topic and there is no primary survey conducted for the research to know the believe of professional about this new growing technology. Shameli-Sendi et. al. (2016) has analyzed the risk offered by information security system on the data of the organization. It has viewed that the security of such system should be increased in order to offer a much-secured environment to valuable assets. The researchers of this article are faculty of information security department and technology department of various universities. The research was conducted through secondary research by analyzing the papers offered on the topic from 1995 to 2014. The research conducted is important as organizations in todays world are expanding considerably and it is necessary that they have a secured information security system. Thus, it proves that this system is reputable and it will be of high value if researched further. However, the research paper can be used to carry out further research on this ground after 2014 in business management environment. References: Ab Rahman, N. H., Choo, K. K. R. (2015). A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud.Computers Security,49, 45-69. Jing, Q., Vasilakos, A. V., Wan, J., Lu, J., Qiu, D. (2014). Security of the internet of things: Perspectives and challenges.Wireless Networks,20(8), 2481-2501. Dumais, S., Cutrell, E., Cadiz, J. J., Jancke, G., Sarin, R., Robbins, D. C. (2016, January). Stuff I've seen: a system for personal information retrieval and re-use. InACM SIGIR Forum(Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 28-35). ACM Li, S., Da Xu, L., Zhao, S. (2015). The internet of things: a survey.Information Systems Frontiers,17(2), 243-259 Shameli-Sendi, A., Aghababaei-Barzegar, R., Cheriet, M. (2016). Taxonomy of information security risk assessment (ISRA).Computers Security,57, 14-30

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Roman Numerals and Process free essay sample

Chapter 09a Process Capability and Statistical Process Control Review and Discussion Questions 1. The capability index allows for some drifting of the process mean. Discuss what this means in terms of product quality output. When Cpk is larger then 1. 33 or 1. 5, this means that the mean of the process can drift (up to a limit) while still producing within specifications. This is what is implied by the phrase â€Å"a capable process. 2. Discuss the purposes and differences between the P-charts and X-bar and R charts. P-charts are used to monitor the process for attribute data. These are typically binomial â€Å"go, no-go† data.An example of a P-chart is percent of pieces nonconforming. X-bar charts are used for charting population values for continuous measurement. X-bar charts operate effectively with smaller sample sizes than P-charts, but it is more involved to analyze the sample for an X-bar chart since a measurement must be taken. A rule of thumb for the sample size of a P-chart is to have at least one defective in each sample. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Numerals and Process or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This can require a relatively large sample size in some cases. If the process is slow, an X-bar chart will generally be a better choice since it functions with smaller sample sizes.An example of an X-bar chart is average time to complete a mile run for one person. R charts are used to compute process ranges for variable data, and are generally used in concert with X-bar charts. 3. In an agreement between a supplier and a customer, the supplier must ensure that all parts are within tolerance before shipment to the customer. What would be the effect on the cost of quality to the customer? Before the agreement was made, the customer probably inspected each part to protect against off-spec supplies. This agreement (ideally) eliminates the need for this inspection.