Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pepcid Ac Analysis

The problem Pepcid AC faced in its initial entry into the market was direct competition from competing products that, together, took almost all market share. Pepcid AC positioned itself as three important things: providing lasting relief from GERD and gastrointestinal upset by means of the fewest pills possible and providing not only relief but prevention. Tegamet already had an established marketing base that consisted of customers who knew the brand name and were weary to switch to another product.The main point of entry for Pepcid AC would be educating the public on the H2-receptor antagonist prescription drugs, the reduced number of pills needed, and the difference between market-standard Tegamet and new Pepcid AC. My recommendation would be to consider TV advertising as a main means of communicating the product offering of Pepcid AC and essentially â€Å"spreading the word† on how the product differentiates itself.Product endorsement from a physician would be beneficial t o push the product into the hands of weary consumers. Finding a series of doctors who would be able to push the product is the largest problem. Doctors were finding that traditional antacids were easier to sell because they already had an established reputation in the household. By finding a few key doctors who have a lot of influence in the community such as a â€Å"Dr. Phill† or a â€Å"Dr.Oz,† and offering the product as free samples to the doctors and their patients, it would help get the brand name into the mouths of mothers around the country. Endorsement for the product by a few key doctors who are respected in the community, combined with the doctors using and recommending the product to some of their own personal patients, would increase the strength of the brand name and help foster word-of-mouth, an essentially low-cost form of marketing.

Human Sexuality Essay

In a review of research on nonexclusive marital relationships, it was noted that swinging had received considerable attention in the 1970s and reported that an estimated 2 percent of the American population had participated. Most studies of active swingers emphasized overcoming initial anxieties and difficulties coping with strains to maintain the lifestyle successfully, but Denfeld also studied couples who had dropped out of swinging and entered counseling (1974). â€Å"The problems such as jealousy, guilt, emotional attachments, boredom and perceived threats to the marriage were common reasons for dropping out of swinging. Unfortunately, there has been no research on identifying the factors that differentiate couples who are satisfied with swinging form those who are not† (Rouse, 2002). The people we may call swingers are somewhat younger on the average than the mainstreamers, and many of them have brothers and sisters or parents who are mainstreamers. In due course, some of them will become mainstreamers, because it is hard to be a swinger when one gets older. However, some remain swingers longer than others, and many swingers later take another road than the mainstreamer one (Hannerz, 1969). Swingers are usually somewhere between the late teens and the middle thirties in age. This means that many of them have not yet married and started families on their own, so that familial obligations would naturally be less demanding in terms of time, money and emotional investments. But there are many swingers who are married and have children and who even so are not family-oriented. Of course, married men are more able to take part in the swinger life than are married women, as they can leave children and household affairs more readily in the hands of their spouses. However, some women manage to continue as swingers by leaving young children with the grandparents. Also, quite a few marriages are broken as one or both spouses prefer to continue the swinger’s life (Hannerz, 1969). Swingers typically spend relatively little of their free time just sitting around at home alone or with the family. Weekday nights and particularly weekends are often spent going visiting, whether one travels alone or in the company of a few friends. The spontaneous gatherings are not complete without gin, whiskey or beer and the talk involves joking, banter, reminiscences of past shared experiences, and exchanges about the trivia of the day such as football results, forecasts of coming boxing bouts and local grapevine items (Hannerz, 1969). It is true that many women get involved with swinging because their male partner encourages them. They often do it to explore their own bisexual desires. By being exposed to a sexually charged environment, they are encouraged to be more experimental and let go of the cultural conditioning that has made them deny their own desires. This may be why swingers often say that men get women into swinging, but it is the women who keep them in it (Taylor, 2007). Couples who are not in a Swinging Lifestyle will find it unimaginable to allow his or her partner to engage in recreational sex with another person, but for swingers it is considered a highly acceptable form of social recreation. Swinging couples have a strong enough relationship to allow the sexual pleasure of his or her partner, and take satisfaction from that pleasure instead of jealousy and concern. Many couples would benefit from embracing the relationship ideas from the Swinging Lifestyle. Swingers understand that it’s perfectly natural for their partner to be physically attracted to someone else and that it’s ok to share one another sexually without threatening their love for each other. They do not confuse love with lust as many couples do. The Swinging Lifestyle can be a new adventure that can actually bring a couple much closer together (Taylor, 2007). Couples who engage in the Swinging Lifestyle experience that in swinging is less time consuming and emotionally demanding than an affair. Moreover, it offers sexual variety and it is sexually educative. Swinging is honest and democratic, since both partners are involved. It is less dangerous with regard to losing a spouse than infidelity. Swinging, however, is not without its drawbacks. Swinging may result to lack of emotional closeness, which in return may inhibit enjoyment and/or performance. There is also denial of ego satisfaction, since the partner was obtained by being available rather than charm. A worried air may also occur since the spouse’s partner may be sexier and better looking and this may inhibit ability and enjoyment of the sex act. Philosophy involves having an affair only once with each new partner, therefore, there is an ongoing search for new partners can be fatiguing. Moreover, there is subliminal fear that swinging can lead to venereal diseases (Cargan, 2007). For those with an open mind swinging is all about having fun as a couple. Moreover, it’s a way for a couple to expand their horizons by agreeing that sexual encounters outside and inside the relationships are permissible. It is a way for a couple to be a couple while allowing and accepting individual desires and needs. Couples who swing explore their sexuality and fantasies. These couples can break the chains of jealousy and experience a more passionate and fulfilling relationship, as well as connecting on a deeper spiritual level. Swinging can give them the opportunity to grow as a couple, and as individuals (Bellemeade, 2003). References Bancroft, J. (2002). Human Sexuality and Its Problems. Elsevier Science Limited. Bellemeade, K. (2003). Swinging for Beginners. New Tradition Books. Breedlove, W. and J. Breedlove. (1984). Swap Clubs. Los Angeles: Sherbourne. Cargan, L. (2007). Being Single on Noah’s Ark. United Kingdom: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Heliocentric Science

Samir Okasha showed in his book, â€Å"Philosophy of Science: A very short introduction†, what makes science a distinct body of knowledge which make use of â€Å"observations, experiments and theory-constructions† as can be reflected on the works of `De Revolutionibus` by Nicholaus Copernicus and `Letter to The Grand Duchess, Christina` by Gallileo. The works had been both controversial since they are against the normal view during their time. Okasha’s book is useful in understanding the concept of scientific revolutions, or the changes in scientific paradigm which can be reflected in the works of Galileo and Copernicus. This essay would like to show how Okasha’s work can help in understanding the works of great scientists, specifically Copernicus and Gallileo. The essay would focus on the theme of scientific revolution. The essay would start with an introduction of science prior to the time of Copernicus and Galileo. The prevailing science and the role of religion would be highlighted to emphasize the difference between the roles of these two. The highlights of Copernicus’ work would be discussed. It will be followed by the defense made by Galileo against his retractors. Finally, the concept of scientific revolution would be defined and the works of Copernicus and Galileo would be analyzed based on this context. Okasha explained that prior to the development of modern science that started during the 1500, science had largely been Aristotelian. This means that most of the things that are regarded as scientific are based upon the findings and writing of Aristotle. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who studied several areas of knowledge including astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology. Particularly, he put forward that the earth is spherical and finite. Aristotle believed that the movement of the planets is in circular motion. Aristotle also supports the notion that earthly bodies are composed of â€Å"four elements: earth, water, air and fire†. Another important figure in pre-Copernican science was Ptolemy. The well-known geocentric model was set upon by this man before 170 AD. According to his model, the Earth is the center of the Solar System. Everything revolves around Earth. He used the concept of epicycles and equant to describe the movement of the planets and other heavenly bodies. Both Aristotle and Ptolemy hold that the Earth is stationary or does not move. They believe that the heavens –the sun, the planets and the stars are the ones that move. Both also believe that the stars are fixed in the heavens. They imagined that there are shells that hold the heavenly bodies. Science, especially astronomy, had been based on these two thinkers for over 1000 years. Thus, knowledge had been highly dominated and is profoundly based on their ideas. Being able to survive from generations after generations and being unchallenged for more than 1000 years, it is only apparent that these sciences are considered as normal and at some point natural. More particularly, Christianity as a religion gained authority which controlled or dictate knowledge based on their interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Since the geocentric model is compatible with what is written in the Christian doctrines, it was considered as an absolute truth. During this period new discoveries would only be accepted if it does not contradict the Bible and if the evidences are too compelling that it cannot be disregarded by common sense. Nonetheless, no matter how perfect a normal science is -at first, anomalies would arise which produces doubt about normal science. There will be instances that run contrary to the accepted facts. At some point, these anomalies are treated as exceptions to the rule. However, as mentioned above, Okasha mentioned that one of the defining marks of science is the ability to construct theories which almost always generalizable. As anomalies builds up, the reliability of the theory weaken. New explanations are sought through experiments and observations. New theory is formulated which displace the previous theory. This process of change in accepted science is regarded as Scientific Revolution. One of the most prevalent examples of this shift in scientific belief is the Copernican Revolution. This revolution happened shortly after Nicholas Copernicus published his work â€Å"De Revolutionibus†. This work explicates the possibility that the sun is the center of the Solar System and not the earth. Copernicus tried to explain, at his best, the proof for this change in the model of the universe. Copernicus, himself, had been wary of publishing this discovery. It was not until he was sure about his explanation that he decided to publish his work. He received the first copy of his work before he died. Since Copernicus served as a canon in Frauenburg, Copernicus undertook extreme caution not to upset the church with his discover. Thus, although he had his discoveries in 1515, he decided not to announce his views publicly. Instead he tried to gather more evidence and revised his work. The book consists of six volumes. The first part explained the heliocentric model and the reason why this is so. According to Copernicus, he decided to try the sun-centered model due to the massive contradictions and inconsistencies that he found in the Ptolemaic model. The great number of anomalies involved calls for a new approach. Copernicus explained that the Earth is not fixed or is not stationary. He described the movement of the planets on their axis. This movement, now known as rotation, denotes the movement of the sun and the heavens from east to west. Copernicus also acknowledges that the planets revolve around the sun. He identified the number of days before the known planets can complete one revolution around the sun. Furthermore, the Copernican model also explained the changes in seasons and the advent of eclipses. In the later volumes, Copernicus tried to explain the movements of the other planets and he also explained the process on how he arrived to his conclusion. Since the book detailed explanation about the movement of the planets that are contrary to the literal meaning of the words in the Bible, it is expected that few people would consider and accept the idea. Removing Earth in the center of the universe seems to be a very strange idea that would overthrow the thought that God had made man as something special and that everything exists or was made for man. Okasha cited that the book was â€Å"banned in 1616 based on the assessment of the Catholic Church that the contents of the book contravene with those of the Holy Scriptures†. Copernicus had managed to gain popularity despite being criticized by the Catholic Church. Upon the invention of the telescope by Galileo Galilee, new evidences that support Copernicus findings arose. One of the critical observations made by Galileo was the presence and movement of sunspots. This discovery reiterated the fact that indeed heavenly bodies move in their axis or rotates. As Galileo published his discoveries, he gained negative response and was even accused of being a heretic. To this end, he wrote the `Letter to The Grand Duchess, Christina` with the purpose of clearing his name. In this letter he explained his current situation and his findings. Galileo identified his retractors to include those who judge his work without reading and understanding its contents. Galileo stated that those who are against him are the people â€Å"who has greater fondness to their opinions than truth†. As it appears, this seems to be the case since those that accused Galileo as a heretic did so despite overwhelming evidence from Copernicus and from the findings of Galileo himself that indeed hat is in the center of the Solar System. Galileo tried to clear his name by arguing that his retractors tried to show that his ideas are novel. It appears therefore that the action towards Galileo is a personal attack since previous authors or â€Å"confirmer† such as Copernicus was not mentioned during discussion of his work. He argued that Copernicus was not mentioned because his actions and findings were supported by the Catholic Church. To ensure that Copernicus book will be published, the preface was edited and it was explained that the book only reflects the hypothesis of a single man. Copernicus also addressed the pope in his book regarding the possibility that someone would â€Å"dare to condemn and censure this hypothesis †¦ upon the authority of some scriptural passage twisted to their purpose (Galilei and Finocchiaro, 1989)†. Being accused as a heretic, Galileo argued that his findings are not contradictory to the Bible. He explained that the words in the bible should not be taken literally. Galileo defended himself by making clear that the bible was made in a language and with the information that the masses or the common people can understand. For instance the higher mysteries such as the essence of God himself where described using human qualities and by referring to nature. Galileo elucidate the fact that the Bible did not necessarily discuss the heavens. The writers of the Bible only include those things that are necessary for people to live a â€Å"blessed life†. Galileo summed this argument by citing a statement he heard from an ecclesiastic â€Å"the intentions of the Holy Ghost is to teach us how one goes to heaven, not how the heaven goes†. In the end, the heliocentric model is now accepted as the legitimate model of the solar system. This fact had been confirmed by several sense-experience evidences. The process whereby science changes from normal to revolutionary and back to normal science again is known as the Scientific Revolution. The process is continuous since everything known as science is fallible. Although it is hard to think that there are other models of the solar system other than the heliocentric version, there had been several additions and further discoveries that might change the normal concept of the solar system. With respect to the idea of scientific revolutions, Okasha discussed the arguments put forward by Thomas Kuhn regarding the nature of scientific change. Kuhn coined the term paradigm to represent normal science. A paradigm is consists of â€Å"fundamental assumptions accepted by the scientific community and had solved theoretical problems with the aid of the fundamental assumptions (Okasha, 2002)†. The old paradigm are replaced ones anomalies, such as those mentioned above, exists continually. Scientist and thinkers would try to find a new way of explaining things by taking into account the corrections that must be made. The geocentric model had been accepted as true for more than 1000 years. Although there had been accounts and beliefs that the sun is at the center of the Solar System, they all remained as hypothetical assumptions. The work of Copernicus paved the way for an exposure of the anomalies while establishing a new paradigm. Galileo succeeded in convincing the scientific community, through the use of his invention, to accept the new paradigm. With the aid of Okasha’s book, one is able to get a better view of how the works of Copernicus and Galileo represent the concept of scientific revolutions. It also showed how resistance can affect the acceptance of new paradigm and how new sciences are produced. The process of revolution in the sciences does not take overnight but it takes decades or even centuries to develop.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Publish a leaflet disseminating information on a particular disability Essay

Publish a leaflet disseminating information on a particular disability or syndrome - Essay Example xpectancy has been raised from 25 to 60 and scientists are hopeful they will be able to improve, correct or prevent numerous Down Syndrome symptoms in the future. Down Syndrome doesn’t mean the end of happiness or a normal life for you or your child, it just means you’re going to have to put in a little more effort and you may need to loosen those dreams of Ivy League colleges – not rule them out, just consider them a little further out of reach. â€Å"Because of the range of ability in children with Down syndrome, it is important for families and all members of the schools education team to place few limitations on potential capabilities †¦ Improved public acceptance of persons with disabilities along with increased opportunities for adults with disabilities to live and work independently in the community, have expanded goals for individuals with Down syndrome† (Health News Flash,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Individual Behavior and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual Behavior and Performance - Essay Example The annual feedback on the work of each of the employees is required from the manager, for to define, whether the current position of the worker is right for him. Performance appraisal is used for to evaluate, whether the employees labor is worth of the money the company spends on him, and whether he is used rationally in the company. Performance appraisal defines whether the workers performs his tasks fully, whether he is suitable for the type of work he is doing, it evaluates the quality of his work. It is the tool that lets the administration see which of the employees deserves the promotion or/and a pay rise, and which one has to be fired because of the incompetence or the poor quality of work. The characteristic feature of aviation is that there the team work is of vital importance. For to satisfy the clients, the plane's crew has to work together, aiming the same goals. Thus, the performance appraisal of the crew is also conducted, apart from the personal performance appraisal. The task of the manager, which performs performance appraisal, is to define the list of the employees goals, and chores, and then evaluate the quality of fulfilling the chores, and to define, whether the worker reached the goal that were set before him. ... They consider the individual performance appraisal to be the most effective and significant, and make their conclusions about the best place for the person in the company guided by them, forgetting that even the best worker will lower the productivity of the group he is employed in case his team work skills are poor. Performance appraisal is quite a complicated managerial technique; it requires the deep knowledge in business, management, and some other social sciences. But interpreting the results of the appraisal, deciding what should be done for to improve them, or what is the best position for the worker, requires the background in psychology of the relationships on the workplaces, and the motivation strategies. The performance appraisal techniques foresee the existence of the form, which is the same for every worker. These forms usually don't consider the existence of the individual differences, the peculiarities of the each worker. Thus when making a conclusion considering the performance of every employee, the manager has to consider his individual features, and define, what should be done to improve his/her performance. The goal each manager follows is to increase the productivity of his employees. The authors of the book Creating Workplace Community: Motivation Solutions, Ideas and Philosophies for Motivating Ourselves and Other, note, that Performance is considered to be a function of ability and motivation. Thus it is vital to motivate the workers for to reach the maximum productivity. John Marshall Reeve offers several techniques for motivating the employees: Positive reinforcement / high expectations Effective discipline and punishment Treating

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Commercial Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Commercial Insurance - Essay Example This is engineered by the employer themselves and requires that a substantial amount of the employee’s salary be directly injected into the scheme. It sometimes covers the individual’s family or the next of kin for all benefits as entitled to the employee. Covered here is the key employee policy. This is extended, by the employer, to that employee whose sickness or demise will greatly affect a business’s returns. The individual health plan sometimes also features a funeral expenses cover (Gevine, 1995). Pharmacy benefits to customers comprise the accessibility, and the ease of doing so, of quality medication upon prescription. Members of the scheme can access drugs, prescription or otherwise, anytime from participating medical facilities. The benefits with this program are that you are not only diagnosed but also given drugs recommended by your doctor without â€Å"buying†. The medicare plan is useful in that it allows for subscribers to access services such as change in dressing, regular checkups on weight and blood sugar levels at zero extra cost. Medevac plans also categorized here whereby the patient, if in a remote area is evacuated by plane or an ambulance and promptly accorded medicare. However, these might come at a cost to the average subscriber. This caters for prime US citizens. The plan seeks to ensure that even in old age, they will still access quality health care. It is also inclusive of advisory services in terms of diets, exercise routines, quality sleep patterns and healthy lifestyle which are exclusive of smoking or drinking. Stress management is also featured there. This is because, since these members are advanced in age, this might trigger morbid heart related complications (Gevine, 1995). Specialty packages cater for members with special needs to enable them acquire services without

Monday, August 26, 2019

History_of_middle_East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

History_of_middle_East - Essay Example The modern Afghanistan owes its beginning at the hands of a Pashtun king, Ahmad Shah Duranni who started ruling the region from 1747. Afghanistan is a country constituted of multiple ethnic and linguistic groups. Pashtun tribes contributing to 42 percent mainly cover the region. The Tajiks who contribute to 27 percent follow the Pashtuns. Following the Tajiks are the Hazaras and Ujbek tribes contributing to 9 percent respectively. The study of Afghanistan’s history has a strong linkage to the Soviet invasion over the region. Russia’s interference over the region of Afghanistan has its inception from the treaty of bilateral friendship made in December 1978. However, the ruler of Afghanistan during 1978, Hafizullah Amin reiterated against on Russia’s growing interference over their political matters, which led to the tarnishing of the relationships between Afghanistan and Russia. Subsequently as an act of revenge, Russia sent troops by air, which invaded Kabul on D ecember 24, 1979. The invasion started with the assassination of Hafizullah Amin and the rise of Babrak Karmal, an exiled Parcham leader. However, Russia’s intention of establishing a Communist government in Afghanistan started facing serious threats from the Afghan communities. The Mujahideens or the Afghan fighters started making life miserable for the Russians, as they were restricted only to the urban centers. These, Afghan fighters backed by American support started gaining grounds to combat the invading Russian troops. By the end of 1985, the Mujahideens formed a guerilla outfit to launch full-blown war against the Russian army. Finally, in May 1986 the Soviet troops were ousted with the fall of Babrak Karmal. The end of the Karmal regime gave rise to the chief of Afghanistan’s secret police, Muhammad Najibullah to become the next Afghan leader. (Background Note: Afghanistan, 2010). The Mujahideen or the Afghan fighters had

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Midtern take home assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Midtern take home assignment - Essay Example Marx believed that in this kind of system, the laborers are oppressed. They work a lot and yet they get very little. On the contrary, the capitalist hardly works at all and yet they get almost everything. And it is in these circumstances that Marx made the aforementioned statements. Due to oppression, people needed something to believe in. They feel weak and powerless against the system. They believe that there is nothing they can do. That change is beyond their power. And because of this desperation, the people needed to believe that there is a higher power. They need to believe, even if they don't understand why the system is so unfair, that all this is part of a greater plan. That someday, they will be at ease. They need to believe that someone out there is aware and sympathetic of their misery. That someone out there would give them comfort. Thru religion, the oppressed find hope. As such, Marx believed that religion is a response to oppression. This is the reason why he said that religion is "The sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions." Without a 'heartless world' or 'soulless condition', religion would not emerge. If people where truly satisfied with the current state of things, they would not look for other places for happiness. They would not turn to religion of hope and comfort. In this context, Marx also said "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed cre... Hence, to believe in a certain religion is the only thing that the oppressed can do to make them feel better. "It is the opium of the people" Marx said. And we all know that opium is a narcotic drug. And we are aware what narcotic drugs can do. They provide an illusion of happiness, a fantasy. They make you feel better without solving the problem. To Marx, this is what religion provides to the people. The happiness that religion provides is not real, only momentary and most importantly, it does not solve the problem of oppression. Since religion provides happiness and hope to the people, for the meantime, they are contented. This prevents them from seeing the situation for what it really is. Instead of questioning the system, their attention is diverted to religion. Because of this, Marx also believed that the capitalist actually uses religion to pacify the people and maintain the system. I think the capitalist are aware of how significant the laborers' contribution is to the whole production. And without laborer cooperation, the whole economic system will fall. So the capitalist encourage the development of religion to keep laborers happy. And if they are happy, they continue to work for the system. They don't realize that the system is actually unfair to them. They are actually being oppressed by this system. Second Part: Explain why the socialization of means of production would eliminate the need for religion. In a capitalist system, the capitalist owns the machineries and materials which the laborers use for production. As a result, bulk of the profit goes back to the capitalist. If there is a socialization of means of production, said machineries and materials would be owned by the people themselves. In turn, the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Managing Innovation at St. Lukes Medical Center Essay

Managing Innovation at St. Lukes Medical Center - Essay Example Every organization exists to achieve a purpose. In order to attain organizational goals, a set of policies and strategies are defined and developed by management. As averred by Christensen, Andrews, & Bower (3), policy is â€Å"the study of the functions and responsibilities of senior management, the crucial problems that affect success in the total enterprise, and the decisions that determine the direction of the organization and shape its function†. One of the strategic management decisions undertaken by aggressive and competitive organizations is innovation. Most business practitioners have grown accustomed to innovation stemming from new inventions and advancing technology. But suiting policy to changing circumstances includes also the application of a firm’s long-established strengths to unexplored segments of the market via innovations in price, service, distribution, or merchandising. Innovation is the â€Å"process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. In business, innovation results often from the application of a scientific or technical idea in decreasing the gap between the needs or expectations of the customers and the performance of a firm's products.† (Business Dictionary 1) One of the most innovative organizations in Asia is St. Luke’s Medical Center in the Philippines. It is the number one hospital in the Philippines but its vision is to be one of the top five medical institutions in Asia by 2010.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Managing and Leading Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing and Leading Change - Essay Example Organizations are part of the society and are thus affected by the changes in the societal trends (Drucker 2005). As has been observed, employees in these organizations resist changes and are not willing to accept new staff. The need for the employees to accept change especially where leaders exit or there is need to implement new technologies in production (Fullan 2007). Kim should lead its employees in embracing change by involving them and communicating in a timely way the expected results from the change process. There is also need for the employees and stakeholders of Spice Tall to develop a culture of adhering to procedures and using communication channels to express their dissatisfaction. The adherence to procedures will make the employees avoid incidences that cause accidents and breakages. If well developed, the accidents and losses experienced in the warehouse will be reduced and curtailed. The use of the formal communication channel will make the employees avoid rumors and speculations (Cummings & Worley 2008). ... At the same time, management and employees need to accommodate the diverse decisions by compromising. Rigidity retards growth, innovation and hampers adversely on the performance of an organization (Northouse 2009). Barriers in attaining its success will face a business that fails to convince its employees on the core objectives and actions. To achieve the expectations and the target, Spice Tall needs to embrace task culture. An organization that employs task culture will create different work teams that are assigned the duty of achieving a particular result. Employees work as a team and are empowered to make decisions that will enable them realize the core objective (Northouse 2009). If well introduced in the case of Spice Tall, the employees’ motivation and morale will increase making the business grow and increase their returns. Moreover, it will enable Kim concentrate on the results rather than the personality or the processes hence getting relieved of the many duties beca use the culture of delegation will arise. Organization culture is therefore critical in the attainment of the organization success. The management should comprehend the basic assumptions, shared values, and norms in order to avoid conflicts in the making of major decisions. At the same time, new staff must be ready to learn the organizations culture within a short time period for the organization to accomplish its objectives in a short time span (Fullan 2007). The culture of the organization must accommodate the diverse nature and practices of the individuals who are part of the system. Kim must therefore make the employees embrace the practices that are necessary for the organization to be on track in the realization of its aims. Leadership Approach Successful change processes require good

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Financial Intermediation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financial Intermediation - Essay Example In addition, the study would also reflect about how the policymakers have made deliberate efforts to ease up different financial markets, encourage foreign competition and deregulate interest rates (Ariss, 2010). Globalisation is another issue in today’s economic concern. Increasing competitiveness would be the result of increasing the level of globalisation, as this tends to promote foreign investments by developing domestic businesses and improvising the performance of domestic banks. In relation to the above context, the study of Ariss (2010) mainly depicted the implications of changing banks’ structure and their prospects towards rapid development in contemporary world. Ariss (2010) reflected in the study that the banks could improve their profit efficiency with commanding a high price mark-up over the marginal costs, but it could not help in terms of cost efficiency levels. Apart from this, the study of Ariss (2010) also inferred that when the banks are able to gain market power, it can reduce various risks that emerge while performing distinct operations and likewise confirm firm stability. In this particular issue of stability, the study of Ariss (2010) discussed about the methodology of distinct economic variables including market power, regulatory environment, cost efficiency, sustainability in economic market and alternative efficiency with portfolio characteristics. The aforesaid study of Ariss (2010) indicated the acquisition process prevailing in the economic market including merger between domestic business and foreign investments or business to develop sustainability programme in competitive business setting of developing countries (Aris s, 2010). More importantly, with regards to the above context, the study of Ariss (2010) revealed that the occurrence of worldwide crisis in financial sectors would demonstrate the role of a country towards developing its uproar hitting financial

Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior Essay Example for Free

Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior Essay Scott: I couldn’t agree more. And nowhere is this more evident than in corporate America. We see ethics at play all the time, with Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme, the Enron scandal, Exxon, BP, and many, many more examples. Ethical behavior can make or break a company. Diane: Sure, I remember people passing up Exxon stations after the Valdez accident several years ago; same with the BP oil spill. Boycotts against companies happen all the time if they forget they have to be good corporate citizens, in addition to turning a profit. Scott: I think the issue here, in a discussion of ethics though, is what determines ethical and unethical behavior. Can we give people any kind of a framework that might help to easily determine what is seen as correct behavior and what needs changing in a corporate setting? Diane: Of course! And while none of these ideas are foolproof, in general, they cover the majority of signs or problems to look out for and be aware of. You have to look at the individual employee’s stage of moral development, their individual characteristics, the structure of the company, the company culture and then look at how big the issue itself really is. Scott: Well, I’m interested in a few concepts that I’ve never really heard of before. Talk to us a little about â€Å"the stages of moral development.† Diane: Gladly. There are three levels inherent in moral development. You have the pre-conventional level, which deals with consequences from the outside dictating moral behavior†¦ Scott: So, an example might be my grandfather, who  always talked about the nuns who taught at his Catholic school breaking out the rulers. That would be pre-conventional, right? Diane: Exactly. It’s all about how outside punishment or reward affects the choices people make between what is right and what is wrong. Scott: So, if that’s pre-conventional, I’m betting that the second level is conventional, then. People just living up to the standards of society – what other people believe for the most part is right and wrong. Diane: That is it exactly, and that leads to the third level, which is the principled level. This is beyond responding to an outside stimulus or to our own notions of what others believe is right and wrong. At the principled level, people now look inside themselves and make a determination removed from all those other factors affecting what they believe is right or wrong behavior. Scott: Well, that does make a lot of sense. So then, what are the individual characteristics that can have an influence on moral behavior? Diane: Values and personality are the two things that govern these individual characteristics. A person’s individual values begin developing during childhood and continue to develop through experiences, discussions with other people and interactions with family, friends, teachers, religious figures, and others. A person’s value system is very broad and includes many different areas. Personality deals more with two specific ideas, that of ego strength and locus of control. Scott: Sure, ego strength influences a person’s convictions. If you have a high degree of ego strength, then moral convictions will be easier to hold. â€Å"Locus of control† isn’t a concept I’m too familiar with though. Diane: A person’s locus of control has to do with fate. Some people believe they have a lot of control in their lives, while others believe that things are left to the wind. Those who have an internal locus of control believe they are in control, while those who have an external locus are more apt to believe that things will happen to them because of fate or luck or mere happenstance. Scott: So I know we’ve talked before about how a company is structured; whether or not it is centralized or decentralized. That plays a significant role as well, correct? Diane: It does, very much so. The more hands touch something, the less likely it is that any strict controls put in place will stick. The less people you have managing a process, the more tightly the controls can be monitored. This of course would be inaccurate if you had, say, one person managing everything who was inherently unethical. Then there would be nobody to call them to account. The structure of a company is a significant factor in the ethical behavior put into practice. Scott: The ethical behavior of individuals is fascinating and all, but what about the ethical behavior of organizational culture? Some companies encourage transparency and ethical behavior at all times. They have realized that openness and honesty are good for the bottom line in the long run and ensure a strong core brand. Other companies may not overtly tell people to act unethically, but have individual â€Å"bad actors† inside the corporation who might encourage people to do things they shouldn’t. Diane: Exactly. And we all know examples of this. We hear about chemical companies dumping dangerous waste that contaminates ground water, about cigarette companies lying about how dangerous and addictive their product is, or about banks and the â€Å"robo-signing† scandal during the last recession. All of these activities, while not necessarily condoned by everyone across the enterprise, were OK’d by certain people within the corporation and seriously damaged the brands involved. Scott: And of course, this is where issue intensity is important, because while we don’t like to admit it, some unethical behaviors are worse or more impactful than others. While all unethical behavior should be avoided, dumping toxic chemicals into water that could kill thousands of people could arguably be seen as worse than, say, an employee who is skimming a few dollars here and there from a company. Both are bad, wrong, and can cause harm, but the characteristics  that determine issue intensity show us that there are indeed levels of unethical behavior, and they can determine the likelihood of this kind of behavior occurring in the future. Diane: And these characteristics – greatness of harm, consensus of wrong, probability of harm, immediacy of consequences, proximity to the victim, and concentration of effect – all play a role in determining when and why something unethical might occur. The less these factors play a role, the more likely for fraud or other unethical behavior to occur. If the victim isn’t seen, if the consequences are far in the future, or if the behavior only affects one person, the possibility for unethical behavior is likely to see a jump. Scott: And to talk more about this, we’d like to welcome to the show Scott Hyder, attorney at law. Diane: Hello Scott – welcome to our show. Let me ask you, how does ethics play a part with respect to certain professions that require licensing to do business? Scott Hyder: Well, it’s incredibly important particularly in very regulated businesses such as businesses where you need a license. I’m an attorney and so every attorney has to follow a certain set of ethics guidelines regardless of the state that you’re in. Every state has passed very detailed ethical rules that are approved by the state’s Supreme Court and it’s not a matter of if, or a matter of choice, or just a matter of morals when following the ethical rules. It’s a matter about whether your license will be revoked if you don’t and many times you’re violating ethical rules unintentionally; it’s usually NOT an intentional  thing. It goes anywhere from disclosing client confidences to wrongful accounting practices, even if they are innocent mistakes. So, we really have to be careful as lawyers because if we don’t comply with these rules, all it takes is one client’s bar complaint to open up the flood gates. A client could complain about poor service from a lawyer, file a complaint with the state bar who regulates all lawyers but, by the end of the day, even if the client’s complaint about the service of the lawyer is frivolous, the attorney could be sanctioned for other unrelated things that become apparent as a result of the investigation. It’s very common, for example, for a complaint to be filed but ultimate charges are implemented that have to do with wrongful accounting practices, competence issues and if that kind of thing happens, your license can be suspended and if it’s very egregious, it can be revoked. Scott: Very interesting discussion, Scott, thank you so much for all your time. Diane: And thank you all of you listening. We’ve appreciated your time and hope that you’ve gained a great deal from this content. Scott: Until next time!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Supply Chain Management Of Nescafe Marketing Essay

Supply Chain Management Of Nescafe Marketing Essay This report comprehensively discusses the distribution channel network which is used by Nestle to sell its Nescafe coffee brand in the market. The report discusses upon various channel partners involved in this process and the roles played by each channel partner in the whole distribution process. The report also discusses about how the smooth functioning of the distribution channel is ensured and who are designated with this task. Report also discusses about marketing and promotional techniques used by Nescafe, their pricing strategy. The report further discusses about physical distribution management, inventory management, storing and warehousing, transportation. Distribution costs involved, payment terms and debtor control, flow of information related to inventory, sales and payments have also been discussed. We have also focused on how communication flow takes place in between channel partners, how conflict management takes place in between the channel members. We have also focused on various aspects of demand and supply management strategies which are adopted within Nescafe. INTRODUCTION About Nestle India: Nestle is one the leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. It was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle in Vevey, Switzerland, where its headquarters are still located. The company employs 2,80,000 employees and have factories and operations in almost every country in the world. Nestle sales for 2009 were CHF 108 bn. Nestle India was set up in 1961 at Moga (Punjab) was followed soon after by its second plant, set up at Choladi (Tamil Nadu), in 1967. Consequently, Nestlà © India set up factories in Nanjangud (Karnataka), in 1989, and Samalkha (Haryana), in 1993. This was succeeded by the commissioning of two more factories at Ponda and Bicholim, Goa, in 1995 and 1997 respectively. The seventh factory was set up at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, in 2006. The 8th Factory was set up at Tahliwal, Himachal Pradesh, in 2012. The 4 branch offices in the country help facilitate the sales and marketing of its products. They are in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. The Nestlà © India head office is located in Gurgaon, Haryana. About Nescafe: Nescafe is a brand of instant coffee made by Nestle. Nescafe coffee comes in many different forms, flavors and sizes. After eight years into development, the coffee powder was first introduced on April 1st, 1938 in Switzerland. In the  United States, the Nescafe name was used on its products until the 1960s. Later, Nestlà © introduced a new brand in the US called Tasters Choice, which supplanted Nescafe for many years. Tasters Choice was also introduced into Canada at the same time, and continues to be sold as a separate product, branded as superior to Nescafe, and is higher priced. CHANNEL PARTICIPANTS AND CHANNEL STRUCTURE OF NESCAFE Channel Partners There are various channel partners involved in the distribution of Nescafe. Nestle has 8 factories in India. From these factories, Nescafe coffee passes on through several channel partners: DC (Distribution Centers): Nestlà ©s distribution centers are specialized buildings, with refrigeration and air conditioning where many Nestle products along with Nescafe are stored for distribution other channel members. It is one of the most basic parts of the order processing and fulfillment process. It can be said that these distribution centers are company owned warehouse. It is important to note that distribution centers can be of many types such: Retail Distribution Center- distributes goods to retail store Order Fulfillment Center distributes goods directly to consumers Cross-Dock facility doesnt not stock the products but distributes to other destinations Super Stockiest The Company keeps their stock with super stockiest to pass it on next channel members like wholesalers, retailers and consumers. Usually there is a separate super stockiest for every district. Wholesalers: They buy in bulk. The company usually provides them discounts on the bulk purchases. Wholesalers help the company break the bulk quantities by further selling the product to retailers in small quantities. Retailers: Retailers sell the coffee directly to consumers through retail shops. These retail shops can be traditional Kirana stores (also known as General Trade) or Supermarkets and Hypermarkets ( known as Modern Trade). E.g. Spar Hypermarket. Here it is important to note that because of the bulk purchases done by hypermarkets, the company may sell its product directly to such channel member engaged in modern trade, thereby reducing number of level of channel distribution and costs. NESTLE primarily uses two types of product channel distribution structures in order to deliver the NESCAFE COFFEE products from manufacturer to consumers. The channel structures are as follows: A B Consumers Retailer (Modern Trade) DC (Distribution Center) Consumers Retailer (General Trade) Wholesaler Cash Distributor (Super Stockiest) Manufacturer DC (Distribution Center) Manufacturer In the above diagram above, we can see that Nestle uses two kinds of channel structure to distribute Nescafe coffee to the consumers, depending on the area of operations and available resources in that area. In the structure A, we can see that from the factories, the product does to the distribution center (DC) where it is stocked for further distribution. From DC to product moves to super stockiest, who further supply it to wholesalers? From wholesalers the product moves to retailers. In structure A, these are traditional retailers having Kirana or traditional stores. Such structure is more successful in unorganized market. Nescafe coffee is then sold to end consumers through such stores, where it is put to display. In structure B, the coffee moves directly to retailers from distribution centers. From retailers the product is then sold to consumers. This structure is more successful in modern trade where retailers sell the products through supermarkets and hypermarkets in an organized retail market. Eg. Big Bazaar, Spar Hypermarket, Reliance Fresh etc. Packaging Nestles Nescafe Coffee is packaged in sealed airtight containers made out of glass/plastic and even in sealed bags of varying size and quantities which are further enclosed in cardboard boxes. However glass is the preferred choice of packaging material as according to Nestle, it is a natural material composed mainly of sand. To make their packages aesthetically appealing, the company prefers glass as any shape and size can be give to it. Further, glass packaging is tamper resistant, inert, non-porous and impermeable to chemical interactions. It also protects from degradation of the coffee by moisture and oxygen. The coffee is sold in varying quantities varying from small sachets of a few grams to pack sizes of 1Kg. Logistics For the logistics and transportation purposes, the companys distribution centers maintain their own fleet of commercial vehicles. Due to nature and scale of its operations, Nestlà ©s own fleet of transport vehicles helps it reduce third party costs, delays and conflicts arising out of it. However, super stockiest use third party logistics support in order to further pass on the product to the next channel partner. A third party logistics provider helps much part of the operations such as transportation, distribution and warehousing. Marketing/Promotion For marketing its Nescafe coffee brand, Nestle uses 360 degree promotional activities like heavy advertisements on Television, newspapers, internet and social media, public relation activities, vending machines in colleges, offices, departmental stores and many places such places which have high foot fall. Nestle is known to spend almost 40% of the marketing budget allotted to promote Nescafe brand on Television advertisement by roping in well known Celebrities to promote their coffee. Regular advertisements are carried out in leading national and local newspapers, magazines, to promote the existing Nescafe products, or whenever a new flavor of Nescafe coffee is launched. These advertisement focuses on the supposed superiority and uniqueness of Nescafe coffee over other brands. CHANNEL CONFLICT MANAGMENT Sales officer, Brand manager and Nutritional officers are involved in managing the channel structure. They visit the market and channel distribution partners from time to time to weed out any conflicts, and at large, to make sure the smooth functioning of the channel. Sales officer ensure that the projected sales figures are being met through various partners. He assigns territories, quotas and monitors the members of his sales team. Sales manager directly acts upon the sales figures and quotas set my executive level. Any conflicts in channel structure will generally cause disruption in sales. Sales manager will therefore interact with various channel partners on a regular basis to diagnose and resolve any conflicts as quickly as possible. Nescafes brand managers are engaged to ensure successful implementation of the promotional and marketing activities as per the objectives of the management. They analyze the sales figures, prices and guide advertising campaigns. Nescafes brand managers even contact retailers directly to promote their coffee brand. Nutritional officers meet the doctors and inform them about the products of Nestle. The conduct seminars for doctors and arrange symposiums. They ensure recommendation of Nutrition Range by Health Care Professionals through Ethical Detailing, Scientific meetings and conferences in accordance with Head Office guidelines. Nutrition officers also monitor and track any recent development in the field of Nutrition and serve as a reliable source of information. Nutritional officers are also act as a reliable source of market intelligence in their respective territories. They are usually aware of stock levels, its freshness, prices of own and competitor products. Thus using their knowledge of the market dynamics, they also help in the functioning of the distribution channel structure for Nescafe. PRICING STRATEGY Pricing is one of the four elements of the marketing mix, along with product, place and promotion. Pricing strategy is important for companies who wish to achieve success by finding the price point where they can maximize sales and profits. Companies may use a variety of pricing strategies, depending on their own unique marketing goals and objectives. Nescafe basically uses three types of pricing strategy. They are as follows Comparative pricing General way of pricing Economic pricing Comparative pricing: For formulating pricing strategy the company uses comparative pricing which is dependent on return on investments put in by the company, future growth opportunities in the market and potential expansion options. Various types of costs are also taken into consideration when formulating a pricing strategy, like distribution costs, advertisement expenses and margin on the product. General Method: what they actually used to do is they already fixes the rate of discount on a certain amount of good, like if u will purchase 10 packets of Nescafe we will give you five percent discount on the overall cost associated in buying that 10 packets Nescafe, however these rules are flexible, and actually varies from product to product, because at last the main motto is to sell the product as well as customer satisfaction. Economy Pricing: Economy pricing is a familiar pricing strategy for organizations Companies like nestle which takes a very basic, low-cost approach to marketingnothing fancy, just the bare minimum to keep prices low and attract a specific segment of the market that is very price sensitive. Physical Distribution Management Who is responsible for designing and setting up channel? There are various authorities who are responsible for designing and setting up channel. The authorities are sales head, head of field operation, marketing head, area head and sales officer. How the ware housing is managed? Is there a CF agent? The warehouse varies from product to product in Nescafe. Any distributer who wants to take the authority of warehousing the product has to satisfy certain protocols which are assigned by Nestle. Like if anyone want to take warehousing they should have own their own building. That building is called as product zone which consists of wooden racks as well as refrigerated section for storage of products. Yes, there is a CF agent in the whole process of delivering the product from manufacturer to consumer in Nescafe. Like they have RD (Regional distributor) who used to distribute the products on the small scale over a certain region of a particular city. Logistics and its cost? Logistics means having the right thing at right place at right time in a right cost also. Logistics covers three sections. Inventory management Storage and ware housing Transportation 1. Inventory Management Nescafe uses the SAP (system application and products) software, inventory management software (highly confidential) the distributer, the branch manager, the area manager, the branch head, sales officer, CEO, BOD are connected with the link .Everybody have a separate user name and password, so that anybody at any instance of time can get all the information like the total number of sales within a particular region, total inventory within the particular region, the total number of goods that are under process. This software also helps in order to keep track of current status of the products, condition of product, shortage, excess, total number of specific product etc. in Nescafe basically what they used to do is they first see the total number of sales for a particular item in last 4-5 month, and on the basis of that data they predict the future sales for the upcoming 5month and then they on an average used to stock the product in advance so that it can suffice the requirement of cons umer at any instance of time. And due to this reason the product shortage chances becomes so less approximately zero. 2. Storage and Warehousing: The warehouse varies from product to product in Nescafe. Any distributer who wants to take the authority of warehousing the product has to satisfy certain protocols which are assigned by Nestle. Like if anyone want to take warehousing they should have own their own building. That building is called as product zone which consists of wooden racks as well as refrigerated section for storage of products. 3. Transportation For transportation in Nescafe the distributer basically has their own vehicles while the super stockiest generally hire the third party logistics which taking care of transfer of goods. As an example the Nescafe in UK had hired Aceme 3p logistics services for 5 years in order to serve their product. Distribution cost The distribution cost of Nescafe varies with respect to the intermediaries. The company itself has to bear the distribution cost in transferring the product from manufacturer to distribution centre as well as to cash distributer. From cash distributer to wholesaler, the cash distributer has to pay the distribution cost. When product moves from wholesaler to retailer the wholesaler has to bear the distribution cost similarly in next lever the retailer has to bear the distribution cost. Payment terms and Debater control In Nescafe there is no hard and fast rule but basically they adopt three strategies for payment terms and debater control. In the first strategy when the company is giving their product to distributer/customer they have to sign a cheque that agrees to pay the money within certain days (max 10 days). While in second strategy one has to make the payments within 6 to 15 days, if its needed then they can extend the policy. In third strategy the customer can take the product by paying 5% on the spot by agreeing that they will pay the balance after selling the products. But company used this strategy very rarely. The payment term basically depends on certain factors like regularity of the customers, also the amount of quantity they are taking, past record of the customer. Communication/Information flow Inventory Data Nescafe uses the SAP(system application and products) software, inventory management software(highly confidential) the distributer, the branch manager, the area manager, the branch head, sales officer, CEO, BOD are connected with the link . Everybody have a separate user name and password, so that anybody at any instance of time can get all the informations like the total number of sales within a particular region, total inventory within the particular region, the total number of goods that are under process. This software also helps in order to keep track of current status of the products, condition of product, shortage, excess, total number of specific product etc. in Nescafe basically what they used to do is they first see the total number of sales for a particular item in last 4-5 month, and on the basis of that data they predict the future sales for the upcoming 5month and then they on an average used to stock the product in advance so that it can suffice the requirement of cons umer at any instance of time. And due to this reason the product shortage chances becomes so less approximately zero. Sales Data Sales data basically comprises of order placement, total number of sales for a particular product in particular region, what are the quantities that sold in particular region in previous times, billing order, profit for particular product or overall profit. Since we have discussed that Nescafe uses the inventory control software, in that software one block is there with the name reports. In that block one sub block is there with the name sales. By visiting that sub block we can gather all the information about sales. Payment Data It basically comprise of mode of payments like credit, cash, invoice. Same as like we gathered the sales data there is a sub block named payment options in which we will get all the information regarding the total payment for a particular region, total due, total canceled payment for particular region or overall. Critical Analysis Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management  (SCM) is the management of a network of interconnected  businesses  involved in the provision of  product and  Service packages required by the end customers in a  supply chain. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of  raw materials work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption. Order Fulfilling Time The most important feature of Nescafe is that they have a very fast order fulfilling time. The average day for a particular product to be delivered from the day of order is 1-2 day. Nescafe can deliver the product on the same day in which they had got the order or on the very next day, and this variation basically depends on the transportation. Minimum Order Quantity There is no specific limitation for the minimum order quantity at Nescafe, but like others they love to take the bulk quantity order and serve them up to its best. Payment/Outstanding At Nescafe the period of payment basically depends on various factors. some of the factors like from what time you are associated with the company, you are a regular customer or a visiting type of customer, what is your total requirement, if you are an old customer then they might check your previous record in order to check that whether you are paying the payments on time or not. Generally the average payment time ranges from 6-15 days. DEMAND MANAGEMENT Nescafe uses the SAP(system application and products) software in order to keep track of current status of the products, condition of product, shortage, excess, total number of specific product etc. in Nescafe basically what they used to do is they first see the total number of sales for a particular item in last 4-5 month, and on the basis of that data they predict the future sales for the upcoming 5month and then they on an average used to stock the product in advance so that it can suffice the requirement of consumer at any instance of time. And due to this reason the product shortage chances becomes so less approximately zero. Speed of processing for complaint regarding supplies Nescafe trying to keep their trust trough all aspect of their services. Even in the case of sale if they are getting any complaint they will try to resolve it on the very same day they got that particular complaint or they will solve it within coming 24 hrs. CONCLUSION After scrapping up and intense analysis of data we reach out with important informations regarding the supply chain management of Nescafe. Our information clearly reveals that Nescafes supply chain management has both positive and negative faces. The positive aspects are like it has a very strong brand name backup of Nestle. Nescafes products are diversified in various flavors. They are making their products by keeping in mind that the products should be of nutritious values. Nescafe has a very great research and development team. In FMCG sector Nescafe is the only one company using software (highly confidential) for inventory management. They have a very strong strategy for conflict management. They are very fast in delivering products as well as taking suitable action on complaints regarding supplies. The customer can opt best payment option from companies payment terms and conditions. If we are pointing out the negatives then we can say Nescafe has no that much grip in rural areas. They are following price point portfolio system. Company always tries to emphasis the products science side than food side. RECOMANDATION It will be better for company if they reduce the price of products according to the areas they are serving. Also if they can extend the business for rural areas it will increase their profit.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Monitoring Risk in Project Management

Monitoring Risk in Project Management Risk identification and analysis lies in the hands of the owner who is the first participant in any type of project. When they are identified earlier, then there is a plan on how to manage them. If this task is to be given to any other personnel, then he/she should have the skills to interpret those risks. Although the owner may fail to identify all the risks, then there should be an integrated project team who will assisting this. Any plan that is designed for the project should have the risk identification part. In a certain flower farm, the owner saw it appropriate to test a certain variety of flower and see how it would perform in the ecological zone he was in. Before doing anything else, he contacted each and every employee to tell them about his idea. Most of them were very willing to help in anything they could. One of the ways he started doing is to group we as employees into groups that would work as a team to achieve this. He could also call upon some of us in a face-to-face interaction and this improved on trust of all of us. He could also contact specialists in the sector in question, not because we could not do it by ourselves but because he wanted a variable number if ideas. Team members also needed to play their roles effectively. They needed to actively involve themselves by giving ideas and nobody was permitted to criticize. On the same note, each of the identified risk would be recorded whether relevant or not. All this would help to identify all the risks possible with the help of missions, strategies and goals of the project, cost estimate, procurement, and execution and financing plan, projects Environmental Impact Assessment among others. This process was repeated several times before the outcomes were realized. We as teams then took the challenge to rank these identified risks in the order in which they could be severe. The lowest rank held those risks that were less severe and we categorized them as negligible. Marginal, critical and catastrophic were among the more severe. This ranking was based on value in other words number of dollars and indicated that there will be minimal environment damage. On top of this was the marginal risks where we indicated that there will be imitable environmental damage and that there will be restoration activities that will take place. On and on until we got to the catastrophic ones where we showed that there would be irreversible environmental damage and that the business would be closed. We went ahead and ranked them on the basis of likelihood where we ranked them as certain, likely, possible, unlikely or rare. The rare ones were those that were unlikely to occur although they were possible. The unlikely are those that could reasonably expected to occur. Those that are possible are those that will occur severally while the likely will occur frequently. The certain ones are those that will continually be experienced. Monitoring the risks was also the mandate of the teams. We had identify all new risks and take action in managing them. We also examined and documented the effectiveness of risks responses. We also could measure the technical performance of the risks. Before all this, we could first evaluate the risks whether all our assumptions were still valid, whether the risks have changed from the prior state, whether the proper measures for are being followed or whether they needed to be modified in line with the aim of the project. On top of all this, the owner had an idea of purchasing a new car that he would use to convey the flowers when they will be ready to the market. What motivated him was that he had enough money to purchase it cash. He would get the car of his choice as well as the one that will be suitable to carry out the function. He was sure enough that the value of this expected car will be covered by the expected sales of the flowers. REFERENCES Wardlaw, C. Wardlaw, C. (2017). 8 Important Decisions to Make Before Buying a New Car. NY Daily News. Retrieved 13 March 2017, from Reincke, K. (2017). Monitor Control Project Work myPmps. Retrieved 13 March 2017, from Ranking Risks: Rare to Certain, Negligible to Catastrophic. (2017). Project Smart. Retrieved 13 March 2017, from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Are arithmetical truths empirically falsifiable? :: essays research papers

Arithmetic and the study of arithmetic have been around for many centuries. Used by people to trade with each other, understand each others’ problems, build houses etc. Arithmetic is a huge part of everyday life for everyone on the planet. So why do we have arithmetical ideas and concepts? I think this is pretty simple. Arithmetic exists because we need it to live and interact with each other. A good way for us to understand each other is through arithmetic. Although it sounds like arithmetic was found by humans, there is no way that it could have been created by us. Arithmetic is more of something that was discovered, although it already existed in the world around us. It was discovered so we can use it to figure out everyday problems and to understand the people and world around us. Later through extensive mathematics arithmetic has also become commonly used in high level mathematics where things may not relate to real life right now or sometimes never. It is crucial to understand the difference between two kinds of mathematics to really understand the question of arithmetical truths being empirically falsifiable or not. These two contexts in which we can analyze mathematics are pure mathematics (imaginary world) and applied mathematics (the real world around us). The imaginary world is the world that is created by formulas and mathematicians to try to understand the world in a general matter with certain theories while applied mathematics deals with real world problems rather than going for a general explanation. We can make this distinction by saying that pure mathematics never really only deals with the real world when it is applied thus causing it to be used as applied mathematics. Thus pure mathematics to a point is the cause for applied mathematics but this does not mean that pure mathematics deals with real world problems but rather might be the answer to some of the problems in the real world. I would also like to make the question about â€Å"arithmetical truths might be empirically falsifiable† or not clear, because there can be misunderstandings. I think the key to understand is that if an arithmetical truth is falsifiable it in no way means that the arithmetical truth is false. It just implies that there is a possibility that it might have a wrong answer or may be proven wrong in one way. This means that it is falsifiable if it might have one wrong answer at some point in time rather than false all together.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Speech Directed to Politicians About The Problem of Homelessness :: Papers

A Speech Directed to Politicians About The Problem of Homelessness Today, we are faced with an increasing problem in society – homelessness. When we walk down the street, we find many people sleeping rough, living a life with drugs and alcohol as their only comfort. We are all united in tackling this dilemma that forces local authorities in Britain to take responsibility for housing 110,790 homeless households and in London, 28,610. I alone cannot do it, which is why I need your help to set up bed and breakfasts, detox centres, charities and some solace for these people. It is our duty to help our nation bring itself up to scratch; it is our duty to help each other. â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you†. Not only do we need to find homes for the homeless. We need to help them kick the habit of drugs and get them to hospitals where their health can be cared for. Homeless people have a frequency of physical health problems two or three time higher than the general population. Also, more than half of the people sleeping rough on the street have mental health problems, more than half. They can be a danger to themselves and to others, which is why they absolutely need our help. An alarming thought is that the statistics only count the homeless people who have applied to local authorities for help, so I have no idea how many have not been accounted for who desperately need help. I have heard about too many cases of homeless people who abuse drugs, which have shocked me and will shock you as well. One of them was a nineteen-year-old called Francis - he wasn’t that sure of his age, just like many other things in his life. His teeth were rotting so badly there were just black shards of them left and he smelled of old faeces and sweat. His own mother had introduced him to drugs when he was just a fifteen-year-old and then dumped him and his brother in a

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Effect Conflict Has on People

Good morning teachers and peers, today I'm going to discuss conflict, the affects it has on people with examples from two texts. | What is conflict? Conflict is another word for fighting, battling, or struggle. Conflict can be expressed in many ways, such as; war, hate, aggression, bullying, and competiveness. Conflict has negative effects on people. Conflict can result in death, mental illness, suicide, and destruction. Conflict is cause by many reasons including differences in values, desires, needs, habits, and wealth. The first text I'm going to discuss today is a poem called Dulce Et Decorum Est by a famous poet named Wilfred Owen. The poem is based on first hand experiences in France, in world war one. The poem describes owen’s firsthand experience in the front line. | The poem is about how going to war for your country is not a noble thing to do, that Dulce et Decorum Est is a lie mentioned in line 27 in stanza 3 meaning it is not a sweet and right thing to do. Owen at first thinks that going to war for your country is Dulce Et Decorum Est, Latin for sweet and right, but after he experiences conflict his opinion changes on conflict. The next text I'm going to discuss today is a film called â€Å"Tomorrow when the war began†. Tomorrow, when the war began is a 2010 Australian adventure film written and directed by Stuart Beattie and based on the novel of the same name by John Marsden. | Wilfred Owen has written the poem in such a way that it gives the audience the feeling that they are experiencing conflict in the front line and in a similar way to the film. He gives this feeling by putting repetition in the poem like Gas! Gas! Quick boys! In line 9 in stanza 2. By doing this he reinforces to the audience the horror and brutality of conflict. This helps Owen to bring the poem alive and engage the audience. | He also gives the feeling by putting imagery in the poem by saying â€Å"men marched asleep in line 5 in stanza 1 or the white eyes writhing in his face in line 19 in stanza 3. Owen uses this imagery to express just how oppressive warfare is on the soldiers’ soul. The film gives that feeling by showing gunfire and explosions for example when Elli the main character blows up a barrel killing multiple soldiers. The film uses this to show how conflict can desensitises people. | Conflict is destructive. It will ruin people’s homes, break up their families, destroys people’s friendships/ relationships and It also breaks people physically and mentally. In the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est, it is outlined very clearly that conflict is destructive, seen by the experiences and the effects it had on the soldiers. | In the film however, it does show the destructive nature of conflict but the film also shows how conflict desensitizes people. The film shows this when Elli threatens to kill her friend named Chris for falling asleep on watch. The soldiers in the poem are said to be â€Å"bent double, like old beggars under sacks† in line one, this is a simile that outlines the condition of the soldiers and how bad of an effect it is having on them. It is making them brittle and weak, this shows just how destructive conflict actually is. | In the poem it describes how a man is watching his friend die right in front of him after the gas attack. Owen describes this by putting in metaphors, for example as under a green sea, I saw him drowning in line 14. He also uses similes like, floundering like a man in fire or lime in line 12. In the film it shows how people’s homes get torn apart. They show this when the teenaged group get back from a place they call hell, and all their families are gone. Also how they witness one of the characters home getting blown up by a fighter jet. | The two texts I have studied are both similar and different in various ways. Both the texts are expressed from a first person view. They both tell us about how negative and destructive conflict actually is. However the poem is told from the front line and the film is told from a different perspective yet still tell us how negative conflict is. | My personal opinion on conflict is a negative one, after studying these two texts my perspective has changed on conflict. Conflict should be a last resort for resolving matters, not the first. It is simply to destructive for anyone to have a positive view on it. Thank you for listening to my speech and have a nice day.

Social learning approach

Personality can be defined as a hypothetical concept that constitute those relatively stable and enduring aspects of an individual which distinguishes them from other people making them unique, but which at the same time permit a comparison between individual. There are various approaches that conceptualize personality. These are; the psychoanalytic perspective, the trait theory, behaviorist (learning) theory, humanistic theories cognitive and biological approaches. This paper however will explore the behavioral and social learning theory approaches to personality.The focus will be in comparing and contrasting them and relating them to a personal personality disorder. The social learning theory is an approach that argues that we learn through imitation, modeling, and observation of other people behavior. If we observe a good behavior from other people, we are likely to behave well but if we observe bad behavior from them we behave badly. Albert Bandura is considered a major proponent of this theory. This approach also considers the environmental factors claiming they reinforce modeling.An individual can be reinforced directly by a model for example; a student can dress like other to fit in their group. A third person can also reinforce modeling. for example; a teacher may praise a certain student making the others to model him. It is also possible to imitate the behavior itself. For example; a student may play football during his leisure time influencing another to model the behavior. Social learning theory argues that reinforcement and punishment are necessary in learning. They influence the level at which a person demonstrates a learnt behavior.They argue that moral judgment concerning the right or wrong is modeled. Bandura outlined from major condition for modeling to occur; paying attention, remembering, ability to replicate, and motivation. Modeling leads to acquisition of new behavior, affects the frequency of embarking a learner behavior, encourages a fo rbidden behavior and increases the frequency of a similar behavior. They emphasize of self regulation in personality development. For example; setting own goals, self observation, self judgment and self reaction (Ormrod, J. E1999)The behavioral approach in personality assessment argues that personality can be acquired through observation. It put the environment accountable to personality difference among people. It assumes that we can understand other people by observing how they behave. It also argues that a response to certain stimuli molds behavior. Learning can occur though conditioning in both human and non human animals. It also assumes that all human are equal at birth. We are born a tabula rasa – empty slit – as we grow, the environmental factors molds our personality.Proponents of this approach include Skinners’ (1957) operant condition theory, Pavlov (1936) conditioning theory and Watson (1958). (Axialis Team 2008) Both the social learning and behavior al theories emphasize on observation learning to personality acquisition. They consider environmental factors that influence our personality. They also consider reinforcement and punishment an important factor in learning. However, social learning theory argues that learning is possible without necessarily changing the behavior.This contrast the behavioral approach that argues that learning must be represented by a permanent change in behavior. Social learning assumes people can learn through observation alone and which might not affect their performance thus may not or may impact behavior change. This contrasts the behavioral approach which assumes learning must involve a permanent change in behavior as well conditioning necessity in learning. Modeling, imitation and observation cannot be assumed in behavioral acquisition. Environmental factors too are very important in personality assessment.These two approaches consider this. They both make a step to explain broader personality t o include the animals. On the other hand, we cannot assume the thought processes, unobservable activities, biological and genetic factors in personality assessment and which they assume. Conditioning approach can be useful in explaining how we develop a habit how we model it, who influence us towards the habit and how we can stop the habit. In my early stages of life, I used to like toys very much. My parent would make sure that they bought me. Initially, my elder brother used to like them too.My parents would buy him every time he performed better in school. He would spend time with them on his free time. He motivated my love for toys. When I started going to school, my parents adopted a similar strategy in buying me toys. It was not after I destroyed one like before, but after I performed better in school. I remember I had a hard time to adapt to this. Previously I mishandled them; after all they would buy me if damaged. This time round, it was based on performance. I wasn’ t a good performer but I had to work hard to get some new toys. If I didn’t perform well, the punishment was ‘no toy’.As time went by, my performance deteriorated. My parents withdrew their reinforcement. At the long run, there were no more new toys. The old ones were not pleasant at all. I hated them. My performance currently is better but I hate toys. In the behavioral view, I observed the habit from my brother and learnt it, the environmental factors, my parent, influenced me to possess the habit of destroying them in order to be bought some new. I was reinforced to work harder to get new toys. The negative stimulus, the punishment, was not to be bought new toys.The aversive stimulus was my parent’s withdrawal of new toys when my performance decreased. I later stopped liking toys a result of the negative reinforcement. In the social learning view, I learnt the habit from observing my brother; he used his free time well. My brother was my role model. I p aid attention to his habit, I rehearsed and was able to replicate the way he handled and treated the toys. However, my parent motivated me by realizing my habit and therefore bought me some more toys. I did not permanently adapt the behavior implying that learning does not necessarily change behavior.Social learning approach best describes my personality I was able to observe, pay attention, rehearse and replicate my brother’s behavior thus influencing my personality. I was able to regulate myself in settling my goals, observe and make my own judgment and choose my reaction from my parent’s move towards my habit. These theories explore the complexity of human nature. Whichever dimension they take as long as it explain personality assessment, is worth credential. However, if these approaches are merged they would have a better explanation to personality assessment.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Great Gatsby- Immorality

The American Dream—A Road to Immorality â€Å"‘You will not certainly die,’ the serpent said to the woman. ‘For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,  knowing good and evil’† (New International Bible, Genesis 3:4-5). The prevalence of temptation and immorality has been present from the beginning of time. In the Biblical sense, it was the serpent that tempted Eve with his promises for greatness and divinity, but ultimately corrupted her world, as well as the world today. Presently, the lust for power and authority is exceedingly evident amongst today’s society.In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the American dream was a foundation of desires for wealth and supremacy. Throughout the novel, the characters’ greed has a negative impact on their everyday decisions, and leads them down the path of immorality and depravity. Through the examination of the lives of Nick Carraway an d Jordan Baker, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, and Jay Gatsby, the following essay will prove how the tempting and agonizing pursuit of the American dream often leads to a life full of dishonesty and corruption.In the beginning of the novel, Nick Carraway evidenced his mixed emotions towards the rich lifestyle. In the manner he described Tom Buchanan, it is clear that Nick noticed the complacency of the rich lifestyle: Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. . . . His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed. There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked—and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts. Fitzgerald 12) Despite his distaste towards the rich, Nick also idolized them. His strong desire to achieve the American dream persuaded him to associate with these people. However, as he got sucked into their world, he became more and more dishonest and immoral. When asked by Tom and Daisy about his rumoured engagement to a woman back home, Nick denied it. However, it is later revealed that he is, in fact, engaged: But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires, and I knew that first I had to get myself definitely out of that tangle back home.I’d been writing letters once a week and signing them: ‘Love, Nick,’ and all I could think of was how, when that certain girl played tennis, a faint mustache of perspiration appeared on her upper lip. Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free. (Fitzgerald 59) Regardless of this, he pursued an affair with Jordan Baker. As the novel progressed, Nick began to realize how the fast and extravagant lifestyle of the rich was only a cover for the disturbing moral emptiness amongst them.He learned that even Jordan, whom he had developed feelings for, was dishonest and was willing to do anything to ensure her success: Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever, shrewd men, and now I saw that this was because she felt safer on a plane where any divergence from a code would be thought impossible. She was incurably dishonest. She wasn’t able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness, I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the demands of her hard, jaunty body. Fitzgerald 58) After gaining much maturity, Nick returned to Minnesota seeking a life structured by more traditional moral values. The lives of Tom and Daisy Buchanan are prime examples of how achieving the American dream often leads to living a low and vulgar life. At a first glance, their home seems to be the perfect family setting. It isn’t long before Tom’s affair with his mistress becomes evident: â€Å"‘Is som ething happening? ’ I inquired innocently. ‘You mean to say you don’t know? ’ said Miss Baker, honestly surprised. ‘I thought everybody knew. ‘I don’t. ’ ‘Why—’ she said hesitantly, ‘Tom’s got some woman in New York’† (Fitzgerald 20). When Daisy sees Gatsby again, she also begins an affair of her own. However this affair is short lived as Tom becomes aware of the infidelity of his wife. Daisy was forced to choose between Tom and Gatsby, but she refused to abandon her â€Å"old rich† lifestyle. After hitting Myrtle while driving Jay’s car, Daisy and Tom decided to conspire a plan in order to avoid responsibility for the tragedy: â€Å"Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table, . . . There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together† (Fitzgerald 138). Despite Da isy’s professed â€Å"love† for Gatsby, she allowed him to take the blame for the accident, which eventuated in his death. When Wilson went to Tom and asked him who the car belonged to, Tom had no problem mentioning Jay Gatsby’s name, providing Wilson with the information needed to justify Myrtle’s death: â€Å"‘I told him the truth,’ he said. ‘He came to the door hile we were getting ready to leave, and when I sent down word that we weren’t in he tried to force his way up-stairs. He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn’t told him who owned the car. . . .’† (Fitzgerald 169). In the end, Daisy chose the American dream over her moral conscience, proving that the rich are not really better than the poor. Jay Gatsby’s quest for the American dream began at the age of 17, when he left his North Dakota farm-life home in pursuit of better life. After meeting Daisy and seeing her wealth, he became obsessed wit h her.Gatsby’s â€Å"love† for Daisy was more of an urgent desire to possess her. He lied to her in order to draw her to him: He might have despised himself, for he had certainly taken her under false pretenses. I don’t mean that he had traded on his phantom millions, but he had deliberately given Daisy a sense of security; he let her believe that he was a person from much the same stratum as herself—that he was fully able to take care of her. (Fitzgerald 142) Gatsby’s desperation drove him to work for Meyer Wolfsheim.He quickly earned a vast amount of money by bootlegging alcohol and associating in other illegal activities under Wolfsheim’s order: â€Å"‘He and this Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. . . .’† (Fitzgerald 127). Even though Jay seemed to be an unsavory, worldly man with his illegal and immoral tendencies, he had an incredible sen se of loyalty. His unfailing loyalty extended to everyone he cared for, from his own father to Dan Cody to Daisy.Unfortunately, he did not always receive the same measure of devotion in return, demonstrated when Daisy allowed him to take the fall for her foolish actions. Nick Carraway recognized this goodness about him, and reassured Gatsby: â€Å"‘They’re a rotten crowd,’ I shouted across the lawn. ‘You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together’† (Fitzgerald 146). Jay Gatsby’s hunger for the American dream proves how even good-natured people can become corrupted by their lust for money and power. â€Å"‘You will not certainly die,’ the serpent said to the woman. For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,  knowing good and evil’† (New International Bible, Genesis 3:4-5). The prevalence of temptation and immorality has been present from the beginning of time. In the Biblical sense, it was the serpent that tempted Eve with his promises for greatness and divinity, but ultimately corrupted her world, as well as the world today. Presently, the lust for power and authority is exceedingly evident amongst today’s society. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the American dream was a foundation of desires for wealth and supremacy.Throughout the novel, the characters’ greed has a negative impact on their everyday decisions, and leads them down the path of immorality and depravity. Through the examination of the lives of Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, and Jay Gatsby, the following essay will prove how the tempting and agonizing pursuit of the American dream often leads to a life full of dishonesty and corruption. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Toronto: Penguin Books Ltd. , 1998. New International Bible. New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1982.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Iliad Book 1 Achilles Vs. Agamemnon Essay

In Homer’s, The Iliad, Book 1, â€Å"The Rage of Achilles,† one of the main concepts presented is the idea that the gods desire honor and glory. It is very evident that both Achilles and Agamemnon are in competition for more power and dominance. This idea is demonstrated primarily through the two prize women, Briseis and Chryseis, daughter of Chrsyses. While the Trojan war was going on, both Achilles and Agamemnon had a fight amongst themselves, rather than focusing on the war going on around them. Achilles claimed Briseis (the more desired of the two girls) and Agamemnon claimed Chrysies. Agamemnon really wanted Briseis because he believed he deserved her for being the chief of the Achaean forces, but by claiming Chrysies, Agamemnon was able to plot against Achilles. Chryses did not want his daughter to be in the hands of Agamemnon, so he begged and pleaded to Apollo to help in getting back his daughter. Apollo sent a plague on the Greek people, and Agamemnon then announced to Achilles that he would only give back Chryseis if he could have Briseis. This made Achilles very angry because he too believed that he deserved Briseis. Achilles was more concerned about keeping Briseis in order to look better, than making peace of the situation and trading Briseis for Chryseis. This showed how important it was to have honor and to appear in control. They put their desires for person honor and glory above the fact that there was a serious war going on around them by putting more focus on who would win the better of the two girls, overall reflecting the theme of dominance and control.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Macy Brand Essay

1. Macy’s is one of very few brands in the retail business that can credibly be called an icon, and the flagship store in New York and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade are considered a commercial and cultural legacies. Since some years ago Macy’s Inc. has undertaken an extensive effort to transform Macy’s from a regional to a national brand, redefining itself. Macy’s national branding strategy is offering a more localized, personalized retail customer experience. My Macy’s is a sweeping initiative designed to embed a customer-centric orientation into every aspect of the company’s operations, and it reflects the way Macy’s wants its customers to view their personalized relationship with the company every time they interact with the brand. Macy’s believes that the aim is consistency and the key is data. To implement the kind of customer-centricity envisioned a customer data strategy was a prerequisite. So was needed to consolidate the various data repositories that had accumulated from predecessor companies, and for realizing the foundational importance of this work on a long-term need to turn to IBM to provide guidance and tools. To finish the virtually transformation worked to put in place the architectural elements needed for a 360 degree view of its customers to support a strategy of multichannel integration. 2. Considering this IT implementation Macy’s is able to know customer’s preferences and create dynamically customizes recommendations or personalized promotions and these information established a deeper level of engagement between the customers and the brand, the customer loyalty, wallet share and the sales will increase. This implementation improved the decision making and optimized the distribution center. All these benefits had make Macys’ a much more customer-centric company. 3. A data strategy was a pre-requisite towards Macy’s multichannel model to Macys’ be able to become more customer-centric. This mean, it was needed to capture customer data to enable Macys’ to interact on a more personal level with its customers. So all the previous customer’s data and a 360-degree view of the customer will personalize and enrich the customer experience in the company. To get all the information from previous data and from the 360-degree view of the customer, Macys’ turned to IBM and they provide IBMÂ  InfoSphere Information Server platform and IBM InfoSphere DataStage to integrate the multiple sources of customer data, they also provide IBM InfoSphere QualityStage to ensure that all data can be trusted and finally they provide IBM InfoSphere Warehouse Enterprise Edition to be capable to get data warehouse framework for real-time analytics. 4. To understand if this information system is strategic for the company I will do a 5 Forces of Porter analysis. According with the benefits of the IT implementation Macys’ customers will become more loyal at the brand what will minimize the bargaining power of the buyers. Working with IBM made Macys’ able to understand the evolving business needs to take the right decisions on technology and architecture, what make Macys’ more flexible to changes, and that will decrease the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of suppliers and the threat of new entrance. With all the powerless 4 forces will influence rivalry decreasing it. To conclude, all the 5 forces have no influence on Macys’ strategy what means that this information system is strategic for the company. 5. Â  To transform Macys’ from regional to a national brand and become a more customer-centric company was need to transform in scope, the physical, logistical and organizational dimensions. According with The Venkatraman model Macys’ has achieve revolutionary levels being at the Business Scope Redefinition Degree Transformation.